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Clinical Evidence of Possible Drug Targets and Pharmacological Management of Novel Covid-19: The World Threatening Virus 1

Advanced Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, Therapeutics

Clinical Evidence of Possible Drug Targets and Pharmacological Management of Novel Covid-19: The World Threatening Virus

Dr. Vadla Vidyasagar*, Dr. C. Nithish*


Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Care Hospitals, Hyderabad, India


*Corresponding author: Dr. Vadla Vidyasagar, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Care Hospitals, Hyderabad, India, E-mail:

Citation: Dr. Vadla Vidyasagar (2020) Clinical Evidence of Possible Drug Targets and Pharmacological Management of Novel Covid-19: The World Threatening Virus. Adv Clin Pharmacol Toxicol Ther, 1(1);1-6

Copyright: © 2020, Dr. Vadla Vidyasagar, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.



Introduction: According WHO (world health organization) viral infections (CoVID-19) spread rapidly and causing an serious issue to whole world. Coronaviruses are the major pathogens that primarily targets the human respiratory system. Previous outbreaks of coronaviruses (Covs) include the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-cov and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-Cov which caused major impact on public health and lead to high mortality rate. The first case of covid-19 was reported in patients with pneumonia [3] in china.

Aim & Objectives: To study clinical evidence of possible drug targets and pharmacological management on covid-19.

Methodology: It is systematic reviews of covid-19 pandemic crisis.

Discussion and Conclusion: After understanding the Viral Genome of SARS-CoV with the help of previous Studies, here we suggest the hypothetical targets to destroy CoVID-19 which includes- Spike protein binding inhibition, Inhibiting Frame shifting (ORF`s) and Inhibition of nsp10/16 complex formation.

 As per our study we also conclude that HCQ effectively inhibited virus entry into the host cell, through changing the glycosylation of ACE-2 receptor and spike proteins. So before advice HCQ one must consider its contraindications (Retinopathy, Cardiac abnormalities, G6PD deficiency, etc). Vitamin-C shows vital role in Preventing respiratory tract infections (CoVID-19), so levels of Vitamin-C to be maintained in patients. Iron and zinc supplements to be given as they boosts immune system and inhibits viral infections respectively. Few antiviral drugs -lopinavir/ritonavir, Remdesivir shown better out comes in CoVID-19.


KEYWORDS: Corona Virus, SARSCoV-2, Viral Replication, Possible Drug Targets, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin-c, Anti-Viral drugs

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