Jalal Al Mosawi
in Pediatrics and Pediatric Psychiatry Children Teaching Hospital of Baghdad
Medical City,
Iraq Headquarter of Copernicus Scientists International Panel Baghdad, Iraq
author:Â Al-Mosawi
AJ, Advisor in Pediatrics and Pediatric Psychiatry Children Teaching Hospital
of Baghdad Medical City, Head, Iraq Headquarter of Copernicus Scientists
International Panel Baghdad, Iraq, Email:Â almosawiaj@yahoo.com
Citation:Â Al-Mosawi AJ (2020)
Clinical uses of Cerebrolysin in Pediatric Neuropsychiatry. Sci World J Pharm
Sci, 1(1);1-4
Copyright: © 2020, Al-Mosawi AJ,
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source
are credited
1949, Austrian scientist Gerhart Harrer from
the University of Innsbruck reported that the process of
enzymatic hydrolysis of the brain tissue producing a protein-based liquid,
cerebrolysin can stimulate nerve cells. Cerebrolysin which was probably first
registered in Austria in 1954, and was also called (FPF1070) is a protein-based
liquid mixture of free amino acids (85%) and 15% biologically active low
molecular weight amino acid sequences which include low molecular weight
neuro-peptides [1-5]