Paul TE Cusack
DULE, 23 Park Ave. Saint John, NB E2J 1R2, Canada
author: Paul TE Cusack, BScE, DULE, 23 Park Ave. Saint John, NB E2J
1R2, Canada, Email:
Paul TE Cusack (2020) Down’s Syndrome:
Where the Mind Meets the Universe. Current Trends Med Clin Case Rep, 1(1);1-6
© 2020, Cusack PTE, This is an open-access article distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
original author and source are credited
this paper, we consider how the human mind meets the universal signa. The
frequency of the mind and thus the internal clock (like a computer) must be in
sync for the mid to have full consciousness. We will see how the internal clock
of the mind of Down’s Syndrome patients is what leads to mental impairment. In
fact, any mentally challenged person may have an issue with their internal
Mind, Prime numbers, Internal clock, Golden Mean