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Inventory Management: Trade-Off 1

Multidisciplinary Research and Reviews

Inventory Management: Trade-Off

Dr. Sanjay Gupta*,  Sridhar Swaminathan


*Physician and Analyst - Business strategy - Cognizant Digital Business

P.G.Dip. in Industrial Engg. and Management, Hyderabad


*Corresponding author: Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Senior Consulting Physician and Diabetologist MBBS (Mysore), IMA-FCGP, DNB, SMP (IIM-Calcutta), Email:


Citation: Dr. Sanjay Gupta, (2020) Inventory Management: Trade-Off. Multidiscip Res Rev. 1(1); 1-2


Copyright: © 2020, Sanjay Gupta, et al., This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.




Global supply chain is significantly under duress for past few months due to a paradigm shift of consumer behavior, mindset and new rules of business. The shipment delays, widespread supplier closures, manufacturing strains has led to delayed lead-time, unexpected unplanned inventory levels and difficult to control service lines. An adaptive, autonomous and resilient Inventory management becomes vital meet frenetic consumer behavior, blossom lean retail stores, and build new rules of engagement in product rationalization. Unpredictable demands demand interesting inventory mix that needs new tools and processes to stay viable


KEYWORDS: Inventory planning, Supply chain, Modelling, Optimization, Data Analytics, MBE, Product inventory, Demand forecast, Tactical decision, Strategy, Supply chain cost, Customer behavior



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