Pereira-RodrÃguez Javier Eliecer Ft. Esp.
Mg., Devi Peñaranda-Florez Ft. Esp. Mg., Pereira-RodrÃguez Ricardo,
Pereira-RodrÃguez Pedro, Quintero-Gómez Juan Camilo, Hernandez-Sanchez José
Luis, RodrÃguez-Luján Griselda Ricarda, Ceballos-Portilla Luis Fernando
Affiliations: General Surgeon at BrasÃÂlia Hospital, Federal District, Brasilia,
Introduction and
Objectives: Obesity is a multifactorial disease that affects various systems
of the organism and is constituted as a coronary risk factor, which generates
multiple affectations of the function and anatomy of the heart as well as in
other main organs. The objective is to determine the relationship between the
maximum heart rate and the fat percentage in people with obesity. Materials and Methods: Observacional,
descriptives and cross-sectional study with 396 participants (236 women and 160
men), with an average age of 26.6 ± 10.6 years. For the development of this
research, an effort test was performed and anthropometry, vital signs, Borg
scale were obtained. Results: An
average FCM of 172.82 ± 18.81 bpm was obtained in the exercise test. being
higher in women compared to men (M: 179.8 ± 14.2 vs H: 178.1 ± 17.1).
Similarly, the fat percentage was higher in women than in men (29.40 ± 10.47 vs
24.81 ± 8.83). In addition, a pearson r was found for the FCM and a fat
percentage of -0.20. Conclusions: The
results of the present study show that there is no correlation between the
maximum heart rate values obtained in the study population versus the fat