Types of Articles and Formats

Types of Articles and Formats

A. Editorial

Submitted by the Science World Publishing Editors, Associate Editors, or Invited Guest Editors on a variety of subjects of interest to the Journal readers

Typically, shorter than one page


B. Letter to the Editor

Submitted by the Reader

Supports, refutes, or adds relevant information related to a previously published article

Authors correcting their own work or responding to a critique of their article by a reader

An abstract is not required.

The letter should not be divided into sections.

The letter will undergo peer-review similar to other articles.


C. Commentary

Authors suggestion (scope is open to areas beyond science/technology)

Reviewers recommendation

Amount of original data is minimal, but corroborative literature data encouraged


D. Review

Authors Suggestion

Topic is relatively broad in scope

Review article should be on topic which is of interest to a wide readership.

Review articles should have a comprehensive coverage of a topic in clear and lucid language with representative figures and images.

Represents an overview of published information and data from many authors and sources

Does not contain original data (to any great extent)

Abstract and keywords are must

Usually includes a large number of references


E. Research

Follows the outline of Introduction, Materials/Methods, Discussion/Conclusions, and References

Supported by significant and relevant amount of data

Data should have been developed by the author(s)

Conclusions are based primarily on the data presented and compared to the published literature


F. Short communications

Short Communications are limited to 3000 words and are not subdivided. The abstract is limited to 100 words. Short Communications will appear at the end of the topical sections in the journal table of contents.

Each paper will begin with Short Communication: followed by the title.


G. Case Studies/Reports

Describes a particular technology or application

Surgical techniques, new instruments, technical innovations

Contains original data generated in the process of developing the technology or in support of the application

Supported by a significant amount of data

May follow the outline of Introduction, Materials/Methods, Discussion/Conclusions, and References

Does the article impress upon the readers a new process/ or technology?

Case Studies- detailed description with data of the specific implementation of an application or the solution to a given practical problem


H. Case in Images

For 'Case in Images' section, the manuscript must meet all the criteria of a case report given above with the difference that 5-15 Figures can be submitted for this section (Case Report can have maximum of 6 figures).

The figures may include clinical images, radiology images (USG, CT, MRI, ECG, Electrogram, etc.), pathology images (Histopathology, Cytopathology, Hematopathology) or a series of images of a procedure or event.


I. Clinical Images

Clinical Images section includes clinical images, diagnostic or investigative images especially images in radiology, endoscopy, pathology and cytopathology.

The images should be accompanied by brief history and case discussion followed by conclusion.

Abstract is not required.

The Clinical Images will undergo peer review similar to other articles.


J. Announcements

Science World Publishing journals announcements of conferences, meetings, seminars, symposia.

The announcements should be less the 150 words. They must be accompanied by name, address and email of a contact person.

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