Amrita Akhilesh Sivasanker

Current Trends In Medical And Clinical Case Reports (ISSN:2769-7088)

Editor Name:  Amrita Akhilesh Sivasanker


Designation: Assistant professor


Country: India


University: Lakshmi Bai Batra College






Ms. Amrita A. Sivasanker is presently working as an Assistant professor in Lakshmi Bai Batra College of Nursing affiliated with Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India.  She did her B.Sc Nursing from Delhi University in 2010. She completed her Post Graduation (Paediatric Nursing) in 2014 from Maharishi Markendeshwar University, Mullana. She is pursuing PGDCFT (Post graduate diploma in counseling and family therapy) and as well as a Certified Medical Coder from AAPC. She has received Best Clinical Teacher award in 2018.  She has acted as an External and Internal examiner for various university examination for graduates. She is also a reviewer and evaluator for I.P University, New Delhi. She has been a resource person for Neonatal Resuscitation programme  in  national conferences.  She has published various full length researches, case reports, case review articles in national and international journal of repute. She has been an active coordinator for continuing education programme for skills upliftment of students and staff nurses. She has organized one  national  and various regional conferences. She is an  research guide for bachelor students for 6 years.


RESEARCH INTEREST: Preterm neonates and infants, OSCE,            Rare syndromes,  Nursing education


1. A.S amrita, Kaur Parvinder, Nair Smitha. International journal of nursing education. Video teaching programme: its effectiveness on knowledge of students.Oct-Dec 2019. 11(4);75-79

2. Saini Amrita, Sharma Tarika. Kaur Parvinder. International journal of midwifery and nursing practice. Human Milk Banking: Every mother’s dream -A review article. June 2018. 1(5). 41-44

3. Tarika, S.Manpreet, A.S Amrita. International journal of nursing education. An Exploratory Study to Assess the Risk of Diabetic Foot Ulcer among Diabetic Patients with a View to Provide Health Education in Selected Hospital of Economically Developing Nation. Jan-March 2017. 9(1); 7-12

4. Saini Amrita, Sarin Jyoti, Kodi Malar .International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development. “Which Thermometry is Comfortable for Children?” May 2017.2 (5); 299-301

5. Saini Amrita , Sarin Jyoti , Kodi Malar. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). “Tympanic Membrane or Temporal Artery Thermometry: Which is More Reliable for Children?” January 2015. 4(1); 1-3

6. Jyoti Sarin, Amrita Saini, Yogesh Kumar, et al. Research & Reviews: Journal of Computational Biology . “ Safe Drug Administration: Right of Every Patient”. 2015. 4(2); 21-23

7. Herbaksh Kaur, Kuldeep Kaur Amrita Saini, Parvinder Kaur. Journals of Medical Science and Technology. “Evaluate the Effectiveness of Demonstration among Nursing Students in terms of Skills Regarding assessment of Respiratory Rate in Selected Nursing Colleges of Ambala, Haryana" .2015. 4(2)

8. Saini Amrita , Kaur Parvinder, Sarin Jyoti, , Kaur Herbaksh.  International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research and Development .”Effectiveness of Demonstration in terms of skills regarding assessment of capillary refill time in newborns among nursing students”, Sept 2015.2(9): 600-602

9. Kaur Parvinder Saini Amrita, Sarin Jyoti, Kaur Kuldeep, Kaur Herbaksh.International Journal of Health Sciences and Research. “Skills of Nursing Students Regarding Breastfeeding Practices” .Oct 2015.5(10):195-199

10. Saini Amrita , Kaur Parvinder, Sarin Jyoti, Kaur Kuldeep.International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research and Development.” Bag and mask ventilation in neonates-A key towards reducing neonatal mortality”. Sept 2015.2(9):561-564


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