Name: Andrey Manov
Christian University
Andrey Manov
is Certified Endocrinologist and Internist by ABIM in USA and in the European
Union. Have 34 scientific publications in Peer Reviewed Journals in the area of
DM type 1 and Type 2 pathogenesis, treatment, Thyroid disorders etc. and have
been lead investigator in 2 International Multi central scientific trials.
Worked in England with lead World Renowned Immuno -endocrinologist Prof. Franco
Bottazzo. In London , England in 1991 discovered the increased expression of
the adhesion molecule CD 44 on snap frozen sections and cell cultures in
different autoimmune thyroid diseases.
Interested in general endocrinology and Diabetology with significant teaching experience and clinical experience. Have been 23 years Academic Faculty in different hospitals and Universities in Fort Worth Texas and Dallas Texas at a level of Associate and Full Professor. Was a Course Director for Endocrinology for 2-nd year Medical Students in University of North Texas Health Science Center /UNTHSC/, Fort Worth , TX -2017-2018 at a level of Professor. Currently He is Professor in the Department of Medicine in TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine , Fort Worth TX since 2017. He was elected as a Fellow of American college of Internal Medicine and as a Top Doctor Internist for 2018 in Fort Worth, TX.
Research Interest: DM type 1 and
Type 2 pathogenesis, treatment, Thyroid disorders.