Editor Name: Dr. Gabriele Morucci
Designation: Postdoctoral researcher
Department: Dept. Traslational Research - Anatomy Section - University of Pisa (Italy)
Email: gabriele.morucci@unifi.it
Dr. Gabriele Morucci is a postdoctoral senior researcher in the Human Anatomy Section of the Department of Translational Research and New Technologies in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Pisa, Italy. He gained his PhD in Human Morphology and Morphogenesis from the University of Florence in 2011. His current research focuses on the biological effects (cell viability and morphology, signal transduction pathways) of different neurotoxicants (cadmium, chemoterapic drugs, recreational drugs, etc.) on the Nervous System in in vitro and in vivo models. Other fields of research include the study of the biological effects of the Vitamin D axis - Vitamin D, Vitamin D receptor, Vitamin D binding protein (Gc protein) and Vitamin D binding protein-derived macrophage activating factor (GcMAF) - on different normal and transformed human and animal cells.
Effects of GcMAF on neuronal and glial cells.
Pollutants and other environmental stimuli are involved in the aetio-pathogenesis of a variety of diseases ranging from cancer to autism, chronic fatigue syndrome and other neurodegenerative diseases. In this study, we examined the effects of a new stabilized GcMAF molecule on human neurons and glial cells. Cell viability, cell morphology and VEGF expression are investigated before and after the treatment with GcMAF. The effects observed in vitro are consistent with those observed in the experimental animal and in clinical settings where the therapeutic effects of GcMAF in autism and neurodegenerative diseases have been demonstrated.
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gabriele_Morucci