Iasonas Hitzazis

Science World Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews

Editor Name: Iasonas Hitzazis

Country: Greece 

University: University of Cambridge

Designation: Mathematician, Ph.D.

Department: Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP)

Email:  hitzazis@math.upatras.gr 

Research Interest: Applied Mathematics



• Ph.D. Degree, Applied Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece, 2009.

• M.Sc. Degree, Applied Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece, 2009.

• B.Sc. Degree, Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece, 1999 


• December 2015 - May 2017: Postdoctoral Research Associate

• Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP) University of Cambridge

• Academic Year 2016-2017, Lent Term: Part III Lecturer, Mathematical Tripos, University of Cambridge September 2011 - May 2012: Postdoctoral Researcher

• Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Greece. September 2010 - August 2011: Scientific Associate,

• Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Patras, Patras, Greece. August 2009 - May 2010: Compulsory Military Service, Greek Army.


• ‘Honorary Distinction’, Hellenic Mathematical Society, 1995.

• ‘Aristeion Prize’, Hellenic State Scholarships Foundation (SSF), 1997.

• ‘Highest Honours’ B.Sc. graduate, University of Patras (Ranked 1st, B.Sc. graduates, University of Patras).

• Ranked 1st, M.Sc. graduates, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras.

• Full Undergraduate Scholarship, SSF.

• Full Ph.D. Fellowship, SSF (SSF grants, after written examinations, a full Ph.D. fellowship to a single recipient all over Greece per year, working on ‘Differential Equations’).

• University of Patras ‘Caratheodory’ Grant (2785).

• University of Patras ‘Pythagoras’ Grant (B.365.015).

• University of Patras ‘Interreg II’ Grant (Action 5.4).

• University of Patras ‘MODIFY’ Grant (European Commission).

• Selected Funded Speaker, CBMS-NSF International Conference: ‘New Perspectives for Boundary Value Problems and Their Asymptotics’, University of Texas - Pan American (UTPA), Texas, May 16 - 20, 2005.

• Listed in: ‘Unified Transform Method Portal Authors’.


1. I. Hitzazis and D.Tsoubelis, ’Riemann-Hilbert formulation for the KdV equation on a finite interval’, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 347 (2009), 261- 266.

2. I. Hitzazis and D.Tsoubelis, ’The KdV equation on a finite interval’, J. Math. Phys. 51 (2010), 083520, 1-32.

3. I. Hitzazis and A. S. Fokas, ’Linear Elliptic PDEs in a Cylindrical Domain with a Polygonal Cross-section’, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 139, (2017) Issue 2, 288-321.


1. EPSRC Research Project ’The extension of the Unified Transform Method from Two to Three Dimensions’, Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (DAMTP), University of Cambridge, December 01, 2015 - May 31, 2017.

2. European Commission ‘MODIFY’ Research Program, titled: ‘Multi-scale modeling of interfacial phenomena in acrylic adhesives undergoing deformation’, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras, Greece, 2011-2012.

3. University of Patras ‘Caratheodory’ Program (2785), titled: ‘Study of the Initial- Boundary Value Problem for Nonlinear Differential Equations’, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, 2001-2004.

4. University of Patras ‘Pythagoras’ Program (B.365.015), titled: ‘Generating Equations of Integrable Systems and their Reductions’, Department of Mathematics, University of Patras, 2004-2007.

5. University of Patras ‘Interreg II’ Grant (Action 5.4).


1. First Congress of Greek Mathematicians Special Session in Mathematical Physics Athens, June 29, 2018 Title of talk: A Generalized Extension Principle for an Einstein-Yang-Mills Spacetime.

2. Applied and computational complex analysis Monday 8 May Friday 12 May 2017 ICMS, 15 South College Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9AA http://www.icms.org.uk/workshops/ACCA Title of (invited) talk: ’Linear Elliptic DEs in a Cylindrical Domain with a Polygonal Crosssection’.

3. 6th International Conference on Numerical Analysis (NumAn2014) September 2 - 5, 2014, Chania, Greece Workshop ‘Analytical and Numerical Aspects of the Fokas Transform Method’ Title of (invited) talk: ‘The Fokas method and initial-boundary value problems for multi dimensional integrable PDEs’.

4. ESF-EMS-ERCOM Conference on ‘Completely Integrable Systems and Applications’, ESI, Vienna, July 3-8, 2011. Title of talk: ‘Initial-boundary value problems for integrable nonlinear PDEs’.

5. NSF/CBMS Regional Research Conference, ‘New Perspectives for Boundary Value Problems and Their Asymptotics’, University of Texas - Pan American (UTPA), Edinburg-Texas, May 16-20, 2005 (Principal speaker: A. S. Fokas). Title of talk: ‘The KdV equation on the interval’.

6. Euroconference, ‘Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Phenomena’, Current Trends in Mathematics, European Commission - Marie Curie FP6 Actions, Anogia, Greece, 9 - 15 July, 2005.Title of talk: ‘The KdV equation on a bounded interval’.

7. International Congress, ‘Riemann - Hilbert Problems, Integrability and Asymptotics’, International School for Advanced Study (SISSA), Trieste, Italy, 20 - 25 September 2005. Title of talk: ‘Riemann - Hilbert problems associated to boundary value problems for the KdV equation’.

8. International Conference, ‘Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems’ (NEEDS 2007), L’ Ametlla de Mar, Spain, June 15-24, 2007. Title of presentation: ‘Generalized Dirichlet-to-Neumann map for the KdV equation on the interval’.

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Iasonas_Hitzazis


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