Editor Name: S.T. Gopu Kumar
Designation: Research Associate
Country: India
Tel: +91-8667559882
University: Sarada Krishna
Homoeopathic Medical College
Email: gopukumar@live.com
Biography: Dr. S.T. Gopukumar, holding a doctorate degree in Nanotechnology / Bioinformatics and currently working as a Research Associate in Saradakrishna Homoeopathic Medical College. He is an Environmentalist, Independent Researcher and a Philanthropist. He loves to protect nature and to be with nature and has planted more than 500 saplings and still continuing the activity. Dr. S. T. Gopukumar has authored several peer-reviewed articles on both national & international journals and has spoken at numerous symposia and conferences during the past decade. He organized two International conferences in during his previous tenure of employment. He applied for one patent entitled “Ficusbengalensis Derived Eisosane Loaded Iron Oxide Nanoparticles to Combat Melanoma”. During the past decade his work has focused upon developing cost-effective methods for the curative aspects of cancer therapeutics. He visited two foreign countries such as Republic of Maldives and Malaysia for various research collaborations.
Research Interest: Nano-oncology, Nanomedicine, Bioinformatics, Phytomedicine,
Biofuels, Drug Delivery, Nanobiotechnology